Berserk is a masterpiece
Berserk is not your typical feelgood story. The world in it is extremely horrifying where good people are punished and bad people win. Berserk rose to my favorite manga pre much immediately after reading the Golden Age arc (2nd arc of the story). It's not as fun as One Piece (which I absolutely love) but it's a damn great story. After reading Guts' tragic backstory, seeing him enter rage mode and annihilate his enemies with his 100 kg sword is just badass.
I love bullet points, so here are some bullets for why I think Berserk is so great:
- It's a betrayal / revenge story. Who doesn't love a good betrayal?
- It has cool (=absolutely horrifying) monsters
- The story is just magnificent, not your everyday predictable story
- The art is superb. Some of the drawings in Berserk aren't just the best manga art I've seen, they're some of the best drawings I've seen anywhere
- The fights are just pure hype
- Big ass sword (called Dragonslayer)
- Puck (the Elf traveling with Guts) is funny
- Life lessons. Be defined by what you overcame; not what weighed you down
- Great pacing, there aren't many boring parts
- It's emotional. Miura (the author) is excellent at pouring emotions into his art
- Gore. I didn't thing I'd like a story with this much gore, but it just fits into this world
- Did I mention the art? Here are some examples of just how great it looks