
change idea font from terminal

ZSH function to change Intellij IDEA editor & GUI font sizes:

idea-font() {
    local new_value="$1"
    local xml_file_1="$HOME/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IdeaIC2021.3/options/editor-font.xml"
    local xml_file_2="$HOME/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IdeaIC2021.3/options/other.xml"

    if [[ ! -f "$xml_file_1" ]]; then
        echo "Error: XML file '$xml_file_1' not found."
        return 1

    if [[ ! -f "$xml_file_2" ]]; then
        echo "Error: XML file '$xml_file_2' not found."
        return 1

    sed -i '' -E 's/(<option name="FONT_SIZE" value=")[^"]+/\1'"$new_value"'/' "$xml_file_1"
    sed -i '' -E 's/(<option name="fontSize" value=")[^"]+/\1'"$new_value"'/' "$xml_file_2"

    osascript -e 'quit app "IntelliJ IDEA CE"' && open -a "Intellij IDEA CE"

Also restarts the app at the end for changes to apply. Note that if IDEA is running background tasks (Gradle sync for example), app restart won't work properly and you have to re-launch it yourself.

Also at my dotfiles repo

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